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Great Job Cecelia!

Know Your Neighbor would like to thank Chairperson Cecelia Taltoan for obtaining two individuals from the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley. The two individuals happened to be homeless, but were eager to volunteer. And not only did Cecelia arrange for the two gentlemen to assist us with work on the Cordova lot, she picked them up and dropped them back off. This was an example of volunteer work at it's finest!

Cecelia also connected with Ursline School's Students of Stewardship program. This program involves high school students who help out in the community by volunteering. They'll be onsite at the Cordova lot on October 28th, 2017 from 9am - 12pm helping to beautify the lot as will Cecelia assisting with the process.

I'm getting familiar with the Know Your Neighbor Team, and while working at the lot with Cecelia I asked what's her job description. Her answer was: "Whatever it takes to help your mom." (Joyce Davidson, Know Your Neighbor Director). Every community needs people like Cecelia, those willing to roll up their sleeves and jump in to make it happen.

There have been other acts of greatness that I've seen Cecelia take in the past couple weeks, but I just wanted to take a few moments speak on just a couple.

Great job Cecelia! Your efforts have made the past few weeks much easier for me to get through. I appreciate and thank you!!

~Matthew Woods

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