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Contribution: Youth and Birds

In the fable about the stone soup, villagers discovered their contribution to the soup made an incredibly delicious pot of stew and brought people together for the common good.

Recently, in our outdoor classroom, Norma asked the kids to be quiet for a few minutes and listen to the sounds in the air. The chirps of several different birds were the first sounds they heard. Where and what kind of birds were singing? What do the birds need to survive, bugs or seeds? What do birds contribute to our environment? What would the world be like without birds.

Debbie Wilson taught a lesson on the importance of taking care of the environment. "NO PESTICIDES" Debbie stressed. How does pesticides harm the birds? Perhaps someone may become an environmentalist because of time spent creating the Cordova Community Garden for Wildlife.

Our kids are making a contribution to the environment and neighborhood as a vacant lot is transformed into a habitat for wildlife. This transformation includes transforming areas of their lives as they learn to work on teams. Last week officers were elected, date set for a yard sale and plans to make a video excited the group.

The video will be used as an educational tool. If the teams decide to explore the world of birds, they will have research zoology, ornithology to answer questions such as: What skills are needed to become an ornithologist? How much does ornithologist earn? What kind of education is required? Who hires an ornithologist?

Our few weeks this summer with kids from the neighborhood will enrich their lives as well as ours. We learn about them and they learn about us. One of the most important things they learn is that we care. Adults freely "contribute" time to make a difference in their lives and the neighborhood.

OH what a delicious pot of soup is simmering on the stove.

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